Friday, September 16, 2005


SEPTEMBER 14TH and i' walking out of the hotel getting breakfast at the local cafe and could you believe it, anywhere in P.A. you can smoke. Before that iI hadn't realized how disgusting smoke really was. On my way back to checking out I ran into 2 staff sgts. from the army that were participating in a job fair in the town center in Wilkes Berre. Sean Blinn, and Lenny Weston gave me perfect directions out of town towards Williamsport and even offered me help anyway I needed, and were a great encouragement. I had also spoke to mitch briefly, and it was good to hear him feeling better in the morning, I even got to speak to Esther also, mommy's nurse from soundshore, it was good to hear that she remembered who mommy was and I reminded her that I owed her dinner. I hope to see her with that dinner when I get back in to New Ro. I then proceeded to rt 118 which seemed never ending and stopped in Red Rock for a fill up and ran into Tim, and Travis a father son duo playing A game of pool, they were very pleasant and interested in my trip. By the time I had to keep it moving because it was getting late, Tim was about to tell me of his moms losing battle with cancer and I'm sorry I couldn't hear it, but maybe he'll read this and get in touch with me so I could hear more. I rode into the night and I was still on rt 118. It was so dark that I couldn't see 2 feet in front of me and not to mention the rain or the may flies flying into my mouth. I finally got to the end of 118 in hughesville where at 8:30 pm I found the local fire station and asked the fire chief if I could rest my head till day break because it would of been too dangerous to continue in the pitch black, but he along with the police of the town denied me and even denied me to pitch a tent in town due to local ordinances. So I made my to Williamsport and and arrived at 10:30pm just around the block from the A.C.S. OFFICE ON THE GOLDEN STRIP. I stayed in the Colonial Village. It was only 35 bucks for the night, but had to be the smelliest and dirtiest place I've ever stayed in, even the shower was disgusting. I wound up going to Dunkin DONUTS FOR DINNER, and for some reason I thought of calling mommy to tell her about my trip and realized I couldnt just call her and began to feel sad for the first time on my trip. I'M glad O.B. anwered his phone. He settled me down and began to tell me of his moms experience and her survival of cancer. I hope you're doing o.k. Mrs O.B. The next morning started out great, I got to meet all the wonderful people from the A.C.S. OFFice of Williams port. Ellen, Carl, Kath, Maryanne, and Kim. We took pictures and ejoyed some laughs and they even had a service announcement on the radio regarding my trip. Before I left they gave calling cards, hugs, breakfast, money for food and drink, and even shared some of their success stories of people they worked with. J ust wanna say hello and thanks to John from the Philly office too. Thanks for the poem James, I remember, SUCCESS IS JUST FAILURE TURNED IN SIDE OUT. Thanks to Lisa D. AND Amy D. FROM THE a.c.s. for their donation and for keeping in touch. George Morris from RELIG iN nEW rO thank you too so much, the donation and the call meant alot. Before I left Williamsport to rt 654 I read suzannes e- mail, her uncl lost his life yesterday to throat cancer. I will be praying kid. Hope all is well. Hey Craig, AND rUM THANKS for the call and TITI NYDIA THANKS TOO FOR YOUR LOVE AND PRAYERS, I read those scriptures in psalms. " THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF THE DEATH, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL FOR THOU ART WITH ME ....."
yOu know if I would of went straight through 654-44-150-62, I would of been in state college by thursday but I got side tracked in the valley where 44 and 654 meet. It was by chance I went in to the Breeze Inn, but I met Claire, a cancer survivor, and Louie whos family members have died of cancer. we shared a lot of stories and even laughed about how many times I looked outside to check on my bike ,you know I got to be from N.Y. But Vicky the bartender who gave me my food and drink on the arm was touched the most by my trip, she said it was ironic that I came in and was too choked up to even talk nuch about things with her mom just hours or days away from losing her battle with brain cancer. Sorry vick I wish I were there to wipe those tears from your eyes, we said our goodbyes with a hug and some tears and I was on my way to Lock haven, and made my way there finally with the help of the Jersey Shore Softball squad, thanks NICOLE , STEFF, NICOLEW.,DANIELLE, SHAWNA , BECKY, AND LACY, THE DIRECTIONS WERE perfect, have a great season and keep helpin the kids. Well spoke to rick and pop this morning thanks guys now I'm leaving Lock Haven. It's about 9 am and I wanna get to state early so I could enjoy the whole day. It's friday and Penn State has a game tomorrow so I'm hoping there will be some keggers going on or that there will be some beautiful females roaming the streets. Hey maybe I'll get lucky and find a place to stay for the night.


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