Sunday, October 16, 2005


I left Sedona at about 11 and wished them well as they did me. It got pretty hot getting into Phoenix and I would say only went down to about 80 at night. Riding to Phoenix wasnt bad at all. No rain or anything and the highway was smooth and there were more than a few people on the road, so night time riding wasn't bad. I got off 17 to 27 ave, and Indian School right in the middle of what reminded me of Union and 2nd in New Ro. It was now 9pm and I TRIED TO FIND A HOSTEL BUT IT WAS FAR FROM WHERE I was and didnt want to ride anymore, so through all the looks I was getting from the local esay's, I decided to park my butt in a motel 6 right around the corner. I didnt even settle in for 10 minutes when I got a knock on my door. It was this crack head, she had a pipe in one hand and in the other a taser gun and a scale that she try to sell to me. She tried running one of those, "Oh I guess I have the wrong room", and you know I said yeah I guess you do, just like all the other rooms you went to. Anyway sorry snaggle tooth, I didnt mean to be rude and slam the door on your face but Thats JUST THE WAY IT IS THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, THATS JUST THE WAY IT IS. GOing to sleep. Its going to be a scourcher tomorrow too. Oh boy,I only plan on 60 miles to Gila Bend.


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