I left real early
I left The Budget Inn in El Reno at 5am and riding in the morning before sunrise isn't that bad, I wound up getting to Elk City and then to the border of Texas by 1, so I thought should I stop for the day in Texiola or keep it moving, it rained a little but not bad. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you in Wheatherford I stopped at a gas station for about 20 minutes and the owner called the cops on me saying I was bothering his customers, but all I was doing was trying to hand out my website stuff,and when I explained it to the cop and showed him my paper work and license so he can call in my I.D., all he told me was how just the other day he got a speeder from New Yoek and then asked me to go. I thought he was a real D@#K . Any way I had to make a coice so I rested for 2 hrs till 3 and still had some energyso I thought I' d try to kill it and ride some more. I dont know what I was thinking about cause I did start to get tired and was now only averaging 10 miles per hour instead of the 15 ealier. By about 7:30 I had gotten only 40 miles and my head was begining to hurt, and I thought about what Drew , and Mitch said about Texas being nothing. They couldn't of been more right, all I saw was a big cross and signs for a 72 ounce steak that would be free if you ate it all in 1 hr. At 8pm 45 minutes away fom Ammarillo it started to rain and then by 10pm I was 25 miles away now and the rain turned to hail and with one hand on the handle bars and the other blocking the hail I finally got to an underpass and I was still getting hit. I was soaked and with my flashlight in hand for about a half an hour someone stopped to help me get to ammarillo. It was this young Mexican kid going to Ammarillo too on his way to Mexico to meet his Uncle. he was stopping at a friends in Ammarillo. It felt good to get out of the rain and dry up. besides feeling very fatigued, the weather had dropped alot so I was thankful.Florensio took me into Ammarillo to a K.O.A. campsite where they had cabin type rooms also. I was very grateful to be warm and dry now. I hope to sleep a lot tomorrow. So far the Texas ride into Ammarillo has been the hardest not just cause of the weather but because it dark and nothing around, and dark so when you cant see lights of a city in front of you to gauge it your mind gets effed up.
RDF Schema for musical family trees?
O'Reilly European Open Source Convention October 17-20, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands I was recently talking to another alternative music geek at a party -- trying to explain the incestuous relationship ...
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