didnt want to go
IN light of everything San Diego was great to me and I will miss the people I've met and I hope to stay in touch with them. I will remember you all forever as i will everyone I've met. Hey George why did you move from here to Detroit? I left early in the morning and rode from ocean beach up the coast. It was a little hilly for a hot minute, then leveled out. Riding through San Diego county I met Roger and he rode with me to Carlsbad and then turned back. He made the time go by easy and he had told me how he rode the first leg of the Tour de Hope with Lance Armstrongs team and how he's rode from San Diego 4 times. You should see everyone on The Pacific Highway riding bikes, not just solo but in teams of 10,20, and even 50. I was told by the media I had contacted that doing a story was really not to big on the account of people in this region riding long distances all the time for charity. Even the old men riding had calves ten times the size of mine and flying by me. I tried keeping up and did for the most part, but these guys are amazing. You could tell though they've been doing it for years. I got to a town called Laguna Beach where people were holding up signs in favor of legalizing pot. So of course I stopped and took pictures of adults and children alike who were being honked at by passer by's who supported them. I had to stop for a while and hold my own sign too. I then continued on and in this part of Cali was great, you saw that there were street lights and many towns so my mind didnt have to worry about being in the middle of nowhere at night, and just as I thought about how good the ride was and how I've avoided bike problems, trouble struck. At the border of Seal beach, and Long beach I looked down at my radio and boom, my front tire hit the curb and I went flying down a 5 foot grass hill and into a ditch another 2 feet down. I somersaulted and landed on my right side. It took a second to get up and as I did I looked up and saw these 2 guys who stopped to see if I was o.k. One of them was John Lepore who is from Jersey. We had a quick laugh and they kept it moving as I did and I promised to mention him in my blog. Thanks for stopping, I took a little spill huh John. I felt the pain later, and it was kind of intense. Riding still was good and in L.B. I asked for the best route to San Pedro where I would stay at the hostel there, and the two people I asked told me and actually followed me and offered me a ride over these 2 big ass bridges into San Pedro. It was Jane and her daughter Kate who she was teaching how to drive. They told me stories how together they rafted the Colorado river together and how they sailed to New zealand together that took them a whole year to get to. Hey girls those 2 bridges were serious, thanks, but you know whats funny is when I got to the hostel it was closed for the winter and I thought to my self aren't we still in the fall? Anyway my only option was to ride another 30 miles to the Santa Monica hostel where I GOT IN AT1130pm. So lets see Ileft S.D. AT 830AM so I was on the bike 15 hrs today and it wasnt too bad on the count of the lit up terrain. I got into Santa Monica, and It pretty, hope its as friendly as S.D. Forgot to tell you there are bike shops everywhere in these parts.
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