Sunday, October 23, 2005

A little bike trouble

I left Santa Monica real early and of couse a few miles up I got a flat. I hadnt had to change one in a while, and not only that but the gears started to slip again so I just took about an hour sitting on the PCH changing the tire and adjusting my gears with my trusty allen wrench. The road up through Malibu was pretty, but an empty town during this time of the year. Never realized that Cali is so mountainous .Good thing I dont have to go in land. Then it became a boring ride going through camp Pendelton Army Base, where I was suppose to go to a frontage road but I didnt know until the cop pulled me over. I had to go around about 10 minutes out of my way. That was the town of Oxnard and I finally got to Ventura which was beautiful and the people too. I sat on the beach walk for a few and then moved on. The rest of the ride up to Santa Barbara was nice especially through Carpenceria where the sunset was beautiful. I got to the Santa Barbara hostel which is an international one and you need an international visa to stay there for the 25 dollar rates or you could stay there in your own room for 60 bucks. I explained to weak, punk bitch, nerdy ass Ed what I was doing and that I really didnt have the cash like that to spend double. So he said with his Santa Barbara way sorry but if I break the rules for you I would have to do it for every one. Hey, Ed is it I said, no one is here so no one has to know. You could just do a nice thing for someone and leave it at that. He didnt and I had to swallow it because this was probably the cheapest I was going to pay here anyway. It took all the strength I had to not punch him in the face. It made me more upset cause you could see it in everyway and thing about him that he was happy to make me pay full price. I wound up getting some food around the block and cooking it and I tried to bring my bike in and Ed told me no. So you now what I did. I brought it in anyway, how bout that Ed. Are you upset about it. I hope you are. I just hope I run into you again and hopefully it would be in N.Y., and hopefully you'll need something and I'll do the exact opposite of what you people in S.B. DO JUST TO SHOW YOU THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN US NEW YORKERS AND YOU SNOBBY ASS RICH PEOPLE,and maybe you would have a different outlook on things. I' m going to bed this place is weak.Not only that but I got a slow leak in me back tire. I will just go to the Open Air bike shop across the street tomorrow.


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