Tuesday, October 25, 2005


There were some things I thought of that werent put down. Like all the dead animals I had seen along the roads. There were dead squirrels, frogs, a snake, who someone asked me what to do, and when I said that I'm not from this state, and that I never saw a dead snake before, he still asked me again and then turned around on his bike and followed me. I didn't know why he started back my way but I just picked up the pace and eyed my knife. Dead possum, skunk, raccoon, cats, even a big dig in an embankment in Illinois, and at least 2 other types of animals in Pennsylvania. Oh yeah, dead deer, and a whole lot of deer bones. How about Josh from V.A. who I met in Cali. If I thought I was ever lost in life, compared to Josh I was walking a pretty straight line. Josh is a young 21 year old and is in much need of guidance. He's trying to find his way in Cali., but is still lost, and no matter how much great insight he was given by myself or anyone else, it just wouldn't sink in. When I thought it might, he came out and said to me, Hey Russ you're from New York right, so what do you think about selling weed for me and we could split the profits. I thought to myself is this kid buggin. I said Josh, number 1 you dont even know me like that. # 2, I wouldn't take that risk at home, much less in a strange place, and risk everything good I'm trying to accomplish, and #3, What are you trying to herb me? You're saying that I would sell it and I would split it with you and I'm taking the risk, and I told him, who do you think you're talking to, all you talk about is how you want to smoke it and you dont even have the money to do that. I would of thought about kickin your ass for even asking me. Thats what you ask someone who you think is a sap. Only because I know you're harmless and dont know any better, and that you really are a good kid, That I didn't kick your ass. I just hope if you read this you can laugh like I am now, and I do hope you find your way. I would help you if you ever really needed it, but not in the crazy way you think. Maybe you should just go back to V.A., and be with the family, and focus on the best way you can better your life. It's easy for me to say that now, because like you, I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Who else was there? Seth who I met riding through Flagstaff. You see in Flagstaff there are backpackers, hitch hickers, bike riders of all kind, and with some of them you couldn't tell if they were locals, sightseers, long distant travelers, or bums who are just wondering around aimlessly. I even would of road with him down south if he would of, but he was going to get to where he wanted to go his way, and with his bike he probably would of had too much of a hard time keeping up. You see I couldn't tell which one of the above he was, by the look of his bike or his gear, but he did have some money, and needed a personal affect of anyones, so I sold him mine for 25 buck, because I didnt need it and could replace it and actually was in need of that 25 dollars. Hey if I needed 25 dollars that bad, who was in worse shape? Maybe you cause you were getting somewhere but for no apparent reason, and I hope you too find your way. There was also K.C. he grew up in Detroit and now works in a hostel. He said to me he thought what I did was sick, and in the meanwhile he had traveled the world, like in America, and has traveled through Central America, and South America by car, by foot and bike, Hey K.C. YOU'RE sick man, you've been to almost all of the countries in S.A., and rode and walked through the most dangerous city's and roads. you're my hero to have the strenght to leave your family and friends and just go and do those things in foreign countries. Peace kid, hope you have alot more great adventures.


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